Secondary Title

To resource churches. To encourage worship leaders. To inspire people all over the world to live a life of worship. #PraiseCharts

Our mission is to resource, support, and encourage skillful musicianship in the local church that is life-changing and God-honoring.

Our vision is to offer a fresh flowing river of worship music that is accessible and affordable all over the world, covering a wide range of worship styles, languages, and demographics. We want to put worship music in living rooms, chapels, small churches, large churches, and stadiums.  

Company Description:

PraiseCharts has been a leading online resource for worship pastors looking for fully developed arrangements of contemporary and traditional worship songs. We are made up of a dynamic team of arrangers, producers, programmers, and a highly responsive support team. See our catalog of more than 10,000 songs, featuring chord charts, lead sheets, choir parts, full orchestrations, and a wide range of audio tracks.


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